Tuesday, May 7, 2013

About my blog

The bios is really crappy and does not have the option to disable the on board video card. Now if a manufacturer leaves that out of a bios, you'd think that at least it will shut off on it's own automatically but this was not the case. Installing a new power supply and video card caused a conflict and the monitor would not register a signal. I troubleshooted the graphics card with another desktop I have and it is working well. Once I was able to detect the problem, I called Acer customer service.

Acer technical support is crap. It's probably outsourced to India. They didn't know anything and suggested I contact a "local technician". I asked if there was a bios update but they told me there was none and that I had to "unlock the bios physically". I asked if there was a jumper setting or something else on the motherboard to "unlock the bios" but just kept referring me to a local technician.

** Note- I was able to access the bios and make changes within the bios. The problem I had was that there was no way to disable to on board graphics card.

Bottom Line - If you're planning to purchase this for the sole purpose of using it as is with no upgrades, it may be an OK deal. Anything else, save yourself the headache, time, and frustration.

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